Computer Programming Tutors in the San Luis Obispo Area
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Call Now To Set Up Tutoring: (800) 416-5954
San Luis Obispo, CA
$45 / hour
I did my Bachelors in Engineering and graduated with MS in Statistics. I am working as Statistician in a biotech industry. I have taken different courses on Advanced Probability and Statistics, Analysis of Variance, Design of experiment, Regression Analysis, Stochastics, Bootstrapping, Machine...
Grover Beach, CA
$80 / hour
I obtained my master's and PhD in computer science in 2023 from UC Irvine; I am a computer science assistant professor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I focus on the theoretical (mathematical) aspects of algorithms. I have taught discrete mathematics and computer science theory courses, involving...
Computer Programming Tutors near Cal Poly
Cal Poly Computer Programming Tutors
Connecting with Computer Programming Tutors at Cal Poly is easy on Browse for Cal Poly Computer Programming Tutors and more in and around San Luis Obispo, CA. You can check out Computer Programming Tutors listings from Cal Poly students and profiles from local San Luis Obispo residents. To make things easier, you can narrow your Cal Poly Computer Programming Tutors search down using filters to refine results and enhance your tutor search experience. Share relevant Cal Poly Computer Programming tutors with Cal Poly classmates to make the tutor search process even faster for them. Utilize to find Cal Poly Computer Programming tutors today!Call Now To Set Up Tutoring
(800) 416-5954
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